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Children's Product Safety
Canada Passes TCEP in Polyurethane Foam Requirement for Certain Children's Products
On April 23, 2014, Canada passed the requirement prohibiting the use of tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) in products intended for a child under 3 years of age, and made, in whole or in part, of polyurethane foam. Such products include, but are not limited to, toys, sleep petitioners and nursing pillows that contain polyurethane foam. This requirement will be added to Canada Consumer Product Safety Act Schedule II Item 16.
Children’s products within scope of this requirement that are manufactured, imported, advertised or sold after October 23, 2014, should meet this requirement.
In US, Washington and Maryland has setup bill to restrict the use of TCEP and certain flame retardants. EU is also proposing to revise Toys Safety Directive and include TCEP as a kind of toxic element.
ANSI-ACLASS Accreditation is extended
As a 3rd party compliant laboratory, we specialize in making sure that your products, whether chemical or physical, are safe, health and compliant with the standards set by relevant national and international bodies.
We are pleased to announce that DPI Laboratory (DongGuan) Limited has been granted ISO/IEC17025:2005 from ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (US Accreditation Body). Our accredited scope covers universally in Toys, Children Products and Consumer Products etc. Together with the ILAC-MRA (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation), our ACLASS accredited testing services would be recognized by more than 70 economies over the world. ** Check with our latest Accredited Scope **
Headquarter : 25/F., Delta House, 3 On Yiu Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong. Tel : (852) 3102 3179 email: mkt@dpi-labs.com
檢測中心 : 中國廣東省東莞市樟木頭鎮凹背圍東山工業區 郵編 : 523619. Tel : (86) 400 089 2112 / (86) 0769 8771 2112 Ext: 1702
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